For thousands of years, acupuncture has helped relieve pain, correct digestive dysfunction, and stimulate healing, among a host of other benefits. At Root and Branch Holistic Care in Brevard, North Carolina, Charlie Roach, DAc, LAc, FMP, CSMA, specializes in acupuncture and sports medicine. He is passionate about providing the individualized care you need to pursue your most fulfilling life. To learn more about the treatment options available, you can book an appointment online, call, text, or email Root and Branch Holistic Care today.
Acupuncture is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), perfected over more than 3,000 years to influence the body’s energy, or qi, and address a wide variety of physical and mental ailments.
By changing or unblocking how your qi travels throughout your body along specific meridians, you can address the root of dysfunction or illness.
During acupuncture, Charlie inserts sterile, ultra-fine needles into target points to offer healing stimulation to injured or painful areas.
Everyone's body is different, but because the needles used in acupuncture are so thin, most patients tolerate the treatment extremely well, with minimal or no pain. You may feel relaxed or energized after your appointment.
At Root and Branch Holistic Care, Charlie uses acupuncture, often in conjunction with other TCM therapies and treatments, to treat a wide variety of concerns, including:
Acupuncture is an effective tool to manage lingering pain and help your body heal after an injury, during an illness, or as you recover from overuse. Charlie specializes in acupuncture and sports medicine to effectively treat sprained or strained muscles or other injuries.
Acupuncture has been shown to relieve lower back and neck pain, decrease the frequency of headaches, and combat discomfort from conditions like fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis.
For thousands of years, acupuncture has contributed to a greater sense of balance and well-being in recipients. By regulating hormones and neurotransmitters, it can help you feel more relaxed and in tune with yourself.
Acupuncture most notably helps combat anxiety disorders and depression. Acupuncture can also help you get a good night’s sleep and may improve your concentration at work or school.
If you deal with digestive disorders, Charlie determines the underlying cause and begins prompt treatment.
Women of all ages may benefit from acupuncture. It can ease:
Women go through significant hormone fluctuations throughout the different stages of life, and acupuncture’s beneficial relationship to hormone regulation can make a tremendous difference during these times.
Turn to acupuncture for a convenient, versatile, and medication-free treatment option. Book your appointment at Root and Branch Holistic Care by calling or texting Charlie’s direct line or emailing the office today. You can also book online.